Another Quantum Project

Raynor Design-a-Door:

Provides up-to-date product information to in-store kiosks.

The Raynor Design-a-Door System is a collection of software applications that together provide Raynor’s dealers up-to-date product information via a compelling interactive computer kiosk. The kiosk application lets customers select a Raynor garage door and place it over a picture of their house. They can then print a colorful sales sheet that shows the composite picture and product information about the selected door. It’s a fun way for customers to envision Raynor doors on their garage and, if they like what they see, they have all the information they need to make purchasing easy.


The kiosk application uses its own local database and image store so it can operate without a connection to the internet. However, it can be downloaded from the internet and if it detects an internet connection it will automatically check to see if any updates are available. It also handles application registration on-line. The system will automatically update code changes, data changes and image changes.


Data changes and image changes can be controlled by Raynor staff through a web based content management system. If Raynor wants to make a change to the product line they can make the change in their content management system and subsequently all of the dealer kiosks will also be updated.

To handle a huge range of options we built an image compositing system that makes finished door images on-the-fly by manipulating and combining multiple image layers. Users can trace the outline of the door on their garage picture and the application will insert the selected Raynor door into that space. The application calculates perspective so that the new doors will look realistic.
